Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Like a city on a hill

A city set on a hill can not be hidden.

It took me awhile to finally discover what drives someone to help others fervently, passionately, and unrelenting. I always thought it was like an addiction. There is admittedly a certain rush when serving others but that seems selfish, doesn't it? It seems we shouldn't serve out of selfish reasons or out of the feelings gained, we should serve humanity out of Love and only Love. We are either serving out of Love, or we are serving out some psychological attraction toward it, and we can't do both. If we fail to let Love guide us than it is us missing out, and it is us that can be led astray. Think of the greatest advocates and leaders of all time; they were all driven by Love. Think of the worst and most brutal leaders, they were all driven by hate. The most influential people of all time were driven by love or driven by hate and it is impossible to serve two masters.

The greatest leaders of all time only served one master which is Love in the highest sense of the word. Pursuing Love and everything it means to Love can only force someone to serve. Love thy neighbor is practically the most simplistic value taken from the bible, yet why is it the most challenging. Its because this world would be absolutely free of sin if we Loved like we were designed. Every commandment, every golden rule and every platinum rule is based on the principle of Love and Loving one another. If we let our heart Love with all that it can than all good things will flow from it.

If we find that Love that we were designed for we become like the Light of the World, like a city on a hill that can not be hidden. Where if you have it, if you have that Love like a fiery passion, people will search for it through you, theyll see the Love you have and desire it and yearn for it. And thats how you change the world, one small step at a time. You Love people.

1 comment:

  1. It seems you are focussing your energy. Getting your chakras lined up, listening to you inner voice. That my friend is great to witness - very happy to see this active blog of yours. I request of you to have others join in your journey. At least parts of it.


